Price trend
According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, the price of polyester filament in the first week after the holiday was basically the same as before. On February 8th, the mainstream polyester filament factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang quoted POY (150D/48F) at 7,100-7,300 RMB/ton, polyester DTY (150D/48F low elasticity) at 8,300-8,500 RMB/ton, and polyester FDY (150D/96F) at 7,500-7,700 RMB/ton.
Analysis review
During the Spring Festival holiday, the decline in crude oil dragged down the trend of polyester raw materials, but due to the downstream weaving end not resuming work and production, the market trading was quiet and the wait-and-see atmosphere was strong, resulting in a small fluctuation in the price of polyester filament. From the 24th to the 7th after the holiday, prices remained unchanged. On the 8th, some polyester filament manufacturers raised their prices by 50 RMB/ton.
The polyester filament market was affected by multiple factors after the New Year. The expansion of maintenance scale has led to reduced production, and fluctuations in international oil prices and possible tariff adjustments were also crucial. Recently, international oil prices have slightly fallen but remained high, pushing up the production cost of polyester. In addition, the Trump administration's new round of tariff policies has added uncertainty to the market. Overall, the data indicates that the polyester market remained strong at the end of last year, with low inventory levels in polyester filament factories, and the market continued to rise during the beginning of the year.
Market outlook
It is expected that the polyester filament market may be stronger with the cost, with limited fluctuations.
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