
February 19 2025 15:41:16     SunSirs (John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of February 18th, the reference average price of 85% thermal phosphoric acid in China was 6,720 RMB/ton, which was 0.60% higher than the reference average price of 6,680 RMB/ton on February 12th.

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of February 18th, the reference average price of 85% wet process phosphoric acid in China was 7,133 RMB/ton, which was an increase of 0.23% compared to the reference average of 7,116 RMB/ton on February 12th.

Analysis review

Market side

This week, the domestic price of phosphoric acid mainly fluctuated slightly. As of February 18th, the ex factory price of 85% thermal phosphoric acid in Hubei region was around 6,600-7,000 RMB/ton, and the ex factory price of 85% thermal phosphoric acid in Sichuan region was around 6,600-6,800 RMB/ton. The domestic market price for 85% wet process phosphoric acid was around 6,800-7,500 RMB/ton.

In terms of cost

In terms of raw material phosphorus yellow: The market price of phosphorus yellow has fallen this week. Some enterprises have resumed production of phosphorus yellow plants, leading to an increase in market supply. Downstream urgent replenishment, mainly low-priced procurement, and a downward shift in market transaction focus. It is expected that the domestic price of yellow phosphorus will be weaker in the short term.

Supply and demand side

The supply and demand was balanced in the phosphoric acid market this week. As of February 18th, there was no significant demand in the supply side of the phosphoric acid market, and the demand was relatively stable. Downstream purchases were made on demand. It is expected that the supply and demand sides will remain balanced in the short term.

Market outlook

SunSirs’ phosphate analyst believes that the recent trend of the phosphate market has slightly increased. The price of raw material phosphorus yellow was weaker, with insufficient cost support, but market demand was still acceptable and trading was stable. It is expected that the phosphoric acid market will be consolidated smoothly in the short term.

If you have any enquiries or purchasing needs, please feel free to contact SunSirs with support@sunsirs.com

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