SunSirs--Çin Ticaret Veri Grubu

oturum aç Şimdi Katıl!

February 10 2025 15:25:19     SunSirs (Selena)

The latest data shows that in 2024, the United States imported a total of 273 million tires, a year-on-year increase of 7.3%. Among them, the import of passenger car tires increased by 2.1% year-on-year to 168.7 million units; The import of truck tires increased by 18.3% year-on-year to 58.74 million pieces; Aircraft tires increased by 1.3% year-on-year to 290,000 units; Motorcycle tires increased by 30% year-on-year to 3.4 million units; Bicycle tires increased by 31% year-on-year to 6.76 million.

In 2024, the United States imported a total of 24.86 million tires from China, a year-on-year decrease of 3%. Among them, the number of passenger car tires decreased by 34% year-on-year to 1.59 million; The number of truck tires decreased by 22% year-on-year to 1.55 million.

In 2024, the United States imported a total of 66.68 million tires from Thailand, a year-on-year increase of 19%. Among them, there were 42.39 million passenger car tires, a year-on-year increase of 16.5%; There were 15.95 million car tires on the truck, a year-on-year increase of 14%.

Thailand and China are the main importers of tires from the United States.


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