SunSirs--Çin Ticaret Veri Grubu

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March 13 2025 14:48:26     SunSirs (John)

Price trend

On March 12th, the price of soda ash in Central China remained stable, with mainstream market prices for light soda ash ranging from 1,350-1,550 RMB/ton. Compared to the price on March 10th, the price was reduced by 50 RMB/ton; the mainstream market price for heavy soda ash was around 1,500-1,600 RMB/ton, with a price reduction of 50 RMB/ton compared to the price on March 10th.

Analysis review

The maintenance of some equipment on the supply side has reduced the supply of goods in the market, and the downstream market was weak. The demand for soda ash was limited, and there was resistance to high priced soda ash, resulting in average market transactions.

Market outlook

In the short term, the soda ash market in central China is operating in a wait-and-see manner.

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